Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Michael Shermer: "9/11 Truthers Foiled by 12/25 Attack" | 911Blogger.com

1. What "CNN reports" is very much just another inside job, propaganda. .. I have not seen them report scientific facts and evidence about 9/11. Have you??

2. al Qaeda, confused as any other American, will take credit for anything they like . Especially for anti-American terrorist attempts, because they resent occupations, aggressions, colonization of their Arab lands by US and the western Christians, started during never elected pr Bush.

Let me explain - al Qaeda probably even to this day doesn't not know that they have been had, aided - that secret entities have their 9/11 not only allowed, but also made it happen real good. This per irrefutable scientific evidence by now, too.

The big factor in stirring terrorist anger and actions is US remote UAV airplanes bombing and killing people on the ground in occupied countries, Afghanistan and also Pakistan. This foments terrorism well. Just as any occupations, wars.

Detroit failed bomber was inside let it happen operation too - but a good one - nobody was killed, they set it up so bomb did not explode.
See http://krunchd.com/inside, and better http://WorldNewsRecord.wordpress.com

What is "foiled by 12-25-09" inside fail bombing attack is peace, a chance for peace, and 9/11

In fact, NOT revealing and investigating 9/11 Truth controlled demolition inside operation pretext to war is leaving the same forces in place, might bring more pretexts for wars inside covert ops. ...

http://friendfeed.com/petrbuben for summary news

Michael Shermer: "9/11 Truthers Foiled by 12/25 Attack" | 911Blogger.com

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ciudad Juarez Banner Headline: "Not One Person Murdered Yesterday"

agree! ... well said :]

you are calling for modern, democratic capitalism, with very strong middle class, 5 weeks paid vacations the 1st day on the McDonalds job, medical care for human beings, of course .... and, just as Germany, Japan, Taiwan, S Korea, .. China ... growing industries, and vast budget surpluses, ..... and with almost nonexistent poverty, and billionaires and out of control corporations classes

we need a company compensation range - if ceo wants to make 50 million, while co is going bankrupt, then the janitor will have to make $20 per hour ...... lets correct the wealth distribution deformations / theft/

...Pres Obama, though, unfortunately, is slipping more and more to the right .. it starts to be a cause for concern.

About Mexico
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"China now holds reserves of $2.3 trillion. It owns more US debt than anyone else.

China's savings sustain the US economy for better or worse. It is the financial equivalent of assured mutual destruction.

The Chinese underwrite America's lavish lifestyle.
Their family silver is kept in dollars.
One can not live without the other."

BBC News - World News America : Matt Frei's diary: Obama visits America's banker:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where's the next Dubai? - Crisis of wild robber war capitalism

aid agencies like the IMF and the European Union have provided emergency funding to limit the depth of the economic downturns in troubled nations such as Hungary, Ukraine and Latvia. The IMF said in September it has made $163 billion of lending commitments since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Where's the next Dubai? - Dec. 1, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

FactsPlusLogic: The 9/11 Truther Laws of Nature

1. science facts and 9/11 Truth controlled demolition movement position on steel and temperature is as follows:
a) Steel cannot melt as a result of office or airplane fuel fires. Yet there was a lot of molten steel found on the site.

b) Steel can significantly weaken, up to the point of failure, above 500F, therefore in the reach of fires in WTC.
HOWEVER, you would have seen random, localized failures, topovers, stumbling of blocks of towers. NOT - uniform, sudden, total collapse and pulverization at 110 floors per second. !!
In fact, what we have seen on the footage, is a controlled demolition.

2. Penthouse was pulverized and collapsed onto the rest of a tower - instead of falling in the path of lowest resistance - in the air - by the help of nanothermite masterpiece controlled demolition.

3. The best science sites with all the facts of controlled demolition are
http://ae911truth.org - http://stj911.org - http://journalof911studies.com
Portals are http://911blogger.com and http://911truth.org

Lastly, I did forget to reply to your post - regarding installation of tons of explosive in preparation of attacks.

This installation is not only plausible, but perfectly possible.

People who carried tons of material in boxes never knew, what they are doing.

People who installed some wires, equipment, never knew what it was for.

Towers experienced complete repair power downs prior to attacks.

The director of security company of WTC was Marvin Bush, brother of never elected president.

So much for research facts.

Now we need independent investigation, who did what, how, who knew what.

Lets start with who had, and how they installed tons of nanothermite.


I might assume you, and many people, will have figured out inside, domestic and/or foreign complicity, the question now is, can it be told?
Will it hurt the country? It is also psychologically very difficult to admit this all truth and reality ---
9/11 is an inside operation controlled demolition.

FactsPlusLogic: The 9/11 Truther Laws of Nature

Monday, September 28, 2009

Inflation a Risk Without Foreign Debt Buyers: Robertson - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

US May Face 'Armageddon' If China, Japan Don't Buy Debt.

US is too dependent on Japan and China buying up the country's debt and could face severe economic problems if that stops. We could see 15-20% inflation.

The only way to avoid the problem, he said, is to "grow and save our way out of it."

The U.S. has to quit spending, cut back, start saving, and scale backward

Inflation a Risk Without Foreign Debt Buyers: Robertson - Economy * US * News * Story - CNBC.com

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ranking: U.S. 1st in health care spending, 37th in health.

For the money spent on health care, Americans are getting defrauded by private insurance bureaucracies and their medical scheme. ..The system not only is unnecessarily complex, duplicative, ineffective and dangerous, but also poorly functioning. and way overpriced.

Front page news - newsjournalonline.com:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big shift to left - Japan elections. Plans to review presence of 50 000 US soldiers in Japan.

Stop refueling US ships for Afghan occupation war. Domestic pro-people democratic policies. $275 a month for each child until jr. high. Raise minimum wage, cut highway toll. Japan also has, of course, national health care plan. They are not crazy or fascist enough to abuse their own population by not providing healthcare. Republican robber feudal war barons should take example from that.

Japan's new leader vows more equal US relationship - Yahoo! News

Friday, September 11, 2009

Is another 9/11 set to unfold? Nukes to be exploded from a small plane over New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles?

Only as another provocation inside job by war empire. 9/11 needs to be investigated and guilty war empire revealed and disabled, otherwise, yes, big false attack upon America might happen again.
my comment: This article completely forgets that 9/11 is a controlled demolition, inside job operation made to happen with high inside leading role. Nukes should explode in America? Maybe when war empire will feel mortally endangered by revealing who carried out 9/11 controlled demolition - them did that - so they will orchestrate another, perhaps bigger, 9/11 attacks.  

These forces of war empire need to be stopped..

Deseret News | Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mobile towers posing a threat to honey bees in Kerala withe electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers and cell phones having the potential to kill.

In one of his experiments he found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in collapse of the colony in five to 10 days, with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs and hive-bound immature bees"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bizarre new sea creatures that fire flares to scare off predators uncovered in the Pacific. When threatened, the worms release fluid-filled balloons.

When threatened, the worms release fluid-filled balloons that suddenly burst in a flare of bright light

The centipede-like worms have largely transparent bodies coated with detachable 'green bombs'

Hundreds of the worms were found in the deep Pacific Ocean

Balloons suddenly burst into bright light, glowing intensely for several seconds before fading
Seven species of the worms were collected from depths of between 1km and 4km off the Philippines, western U.S. and Mexico. ...... We found a whole new group of fairly large, extraordinary animals that we never knew anything about befor

Green bombers: Bizarre sea creatures that fire flares uncovered in the Pacific
| Mail Online

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Salaries of airlines, UK. BA’s pilots earn an average of £107,600, compared with £89,500 at Virgin and £71,400 at easyJet.

Last week it emerged that British Airways pays its cabin crew and pilots up to twice as much as rival airlines.

The average salary for BA’s 14,000 cabin crew, including bonuses and allowances, is £29,900, compared with £14,400 at Virgin Atlantic and £20,200 at easyJet.

1£ ~ $1.6

Saturday, June 6, 2009

DevHub: A free site building service takes data from APIs and other content sources as a way for niche publisher.. http://tinyurl.com/pa6h2x http://twitter.com/programmableweb/statuses/2052599264

South Dakota man won $232 million in lottery

SD lottery winner 'will not squander' $232M prize http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_RAGS_TO_RICHES?SITE=CACHI&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT

Monday, April 6, 2009

Havran rozumi vyrazu oci cloveka. Meni sve chovani v zavisloti na lidskem pohledu. Bird Can Read Human Gaze

Jackdaws seem to recognize the eye's role in visual perception, or at the very least they are extremely sensitive to the way that human eyes are oriented.

The birds were able to interpret human communicative gestures, such as gaze alternation and pointing, to help them find hidden food.
V uricitych situacich se ptaci chovali dle zmen pohledu cloveka.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Klice jsou klice. Pozor na klice. Dnes jde lehce udelat kopie.

A to pouze dle fotky z mobilu. Znalosti k tomu, program, neni prilis tezke ziskat, a stavaji se stale dostupnejsimi.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pratelstvi Cechy a Usa, novy president Obama, dobre zpravy pro mir.

_______Přátelství Čech a Spojených Států______
zůstane pevné, spolehlivé a aktuální, jak dopadne věc radaru na tom nic nezmění.
Obě země mají společně zájmy, to jest svobodu, prosperitu, bezpečnost svoji a všech ostatních, mír.
Česká republika by nyní měla říci svým přátelům - radar na našem území není vhodný, nepřispívá bezpečnosti a míru.

Petice presidentovi Usa by mohla znít ... "máme zájem o jinou, lepší, výkonnější, modernější a přínosnější spolupráci mezi Usa a ČR na poli bezpečnosti, a jiných, než jakou představuje radarová základna" namísto dosti strohé "nechceme zde radar."

Jak vidíte svoji roli do budoucna? Uvažujete o permanentní přítomnosti na české politické scéně? Hodláte se vyslovit k dalším otázkám, např. 1. úplného zákazu atomových zbraní na a nad územím České republiky, 2. zákazu pobytu cizích vojáků a umísťování vojenského materiálu na našem území.

_________Dobré zprávy z USA ! ____________
1. Nový president USA právě rozhodl o přehodnocení rozmístění prvků raketové obrany v Evropě. Rusko odpovědělo okamžitým pozastavením plánu na rozmístění raket krátkého doletu Iskander v Kaliningradu. - Díky, iniciativo www.NeZakladnam.cz ! Opíráte se do toho správným směrem! ... Protože až začnou létat rakety, bude již pozdě na dlouhé debaty s panem Čejkou. I na čaj o páté.

2. Nový president Obama rozhodl pozastavit podporu rozmísťování zbraní do vesmíru! Velmi pozitivní krok.

3. Nový president Obama rozhodl nezačít modernizaci amerických atomových naloží. Svede o toto rozhodnutí boj se svým ministerstvem obrany, pravicovým bušovským vojenským komplexem.

www.zi.ma/cas www.zi.ma/pb

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Radar, zakladna, pratelstvi CR- USA

At radar a zakladna budou jiz zrizeny ci nikoliv, pratelstvi a porozumeni mezi USA a CR to nijak neohrozi. Obe zeme uznavaji, zastavaji a brani stejne hodnoty, tedy nezavislost, svobodu, prosperitu.
Z tech vychazi nutnost a vyhodnost podpory miru a vzajemne bezpecnosti. Tedy mame stejne cile, pouze nazor na cestu zda se byt nekdy odlisny.

Jsou Cechy natolik silne a vyspele, aby usporadaly referendum o radaru, o pritomnosti cizich vojsk na ceskem uzemi? Ceho se ceska vlada boji? Obcanu? V takovem referendu ja pak budu hlasovat NE.

Cechy, jedna z nevyspelejsich zemi sveta, potrebuje spise na svem uzemi urad Spojenych Narodu ci jine mezinarodni instituce. Cechy potrebuji zohlednit zajmy obou velmoci, tak aby se nestaly pouze prihlizejicim v urcovani smeru sveho vyvoje, tak, jako se jiz v minulosti stalo.

USA zcela jiste pochopi, pokud se obcane rozhodnout proti radarove zakladne. Pokud se zakladen Nato tyka, na uzemi Rumunska a Bulharska jiz takove jsou. Proc tedy neumistit radar tam?

Iniciative Ne zakladnam by mela byt prisouzena a vyhrazena urcita formalni role v situaci vyjednavani ohledne zakladny.
Petr Buben

www.NeZakladnam.cz/cs/blogy/petrusa001/clanky http://www.petrbuben.blog.idnes.cz/

Na zaver par technickych odkazu
http://www.cernovlaska.cz/archives/3400-Americky-radar-v-CR-ANO-nebo-NE.html http://www.army.cz/scripts/detail.php?id=8835 http://www.atmonline.cz/analyzy/pro/radary.htm a diskuse k clanku http://mobil.idnes.cz/podivejte-se-ktere-mobily-vam-nejvice-zari-do-hlavy-fxf-/telefony.asp?c=A080811_094110_telefony_kor
