Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Michael Shermer: "9/11 Truthers Foiled by 12/25 Attack" | 911Blogger.com

1. What "CNN reports" is very much just another inside job, propaganda. .. I have not seen them report scientific facts and evidence about 9/11. Have you??

2. al Qaeda, confused as any other American, will take credit for anything they like . Especially for anti-American terrorist attempts, because they resent occupations, aggressions, colonization of their Arab lands by US and the western Christians, started during never elected pr Bush.

Let me explain - al Qaeda probably even to this day doesn't not know that they have been had, aided - that secret entities have their 9/11 not only allowed, but also made it happen real good. This per irrefutable scientific evidence by now, too.

The big factor in stirring terrorist anger and actions is US remote UAV airplanes bombing and killing people on the ground in occupied countries, Afghanistan and also Pakistan. This foments terrorism well. Just as any occupations, wars.

Detroit failed bomber was inside let it happen operation too - but a good one - nobody was killed, they set it up so bomb did not explode.
See http://krunchd.com/inside, and better http://WorldNewsRecord.wordpress.com

What is "foiled by 12-25-09" inside fail bombing attack is peace, a chance for peace, and 9/11

In fact, NOT revealing and investigating 9/11 Truth controlled demolition inside operation pretext to war is leaving the same forces in place, might bring more pretexts for wars inside covert ops. ...

http://friendfeed.com/petrbuben for summary news

Michael Shermer: "9/11 Truthers Foiled by 12/25 Attack" | 911Blogger.com

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ciudad Juarez Banner Headline: "Not One Person Murdered Yesterday"

agree! ... well said :]

you are calling for modern, democratic capitalism, with very strong middle class, 5 weeks paid vacations the 1st day on the McDonalds job, medical care for human beings, of course .... and, just as Germany, Japan, Taiwan, S Korea, .. China ... growing industries, and vast budget surpluses, ..... and with almost nonexistent poverty, and billionaires and out of control corporations classes

we need a company compensation range - if ceo wants to make 50 million, while co is going bankrupt, then the janitor will have to make $20 per hour ...... lets correct the wealth distribution deformations / theft/

...Pres Obama, though, unfortunately, is slipping more and more to the right .. it starts to be a cause for concern.

About Mexico
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"China now holds reserves of $2.3 trillion. It owns more US debt than anyone else.

China's savings sustain the US economy for better or worse. It is the financial equivalent of assured mutual destruction.

The Chinese underwrite America's lavish lifestyle.
Their family silver is kept in dollars.
One can not live without the other."

BBC News - World News America : Matt Frei's diary: Obama visits America's banker:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where's the next Dubai? - Crisis of wild robber war capitalism

aid agencies like the IMF and the European Union have provided emergency funding to limit the depth of the economic downturns in troubled nations such as Hungary, Ukraine and Latvia. The IMF said in September it has made $163 billion of lending commitments since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Where's the next Dubai? - Dec. 1, 2009
