Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ciudad Juarez Banner Headline: "Not One Person Murdered Yesterday"

agree! ... well said :]

you are calling for modern, democratic capitalism, with very strong middle class, 5 weeks paid vacations the 1st day on the McDonalds job, medical care for human beings, of course .... and, just as Germany, Japan, Taiwan, S Korea, .. China ... growing industries, and vast budget surpluses, ..... and with almost nonexistent poverty, and billionaires and out of control corporations classes

we need a company compensation range - if ceo wants to make 50 million, while co is going bankrupt, then the janitor will have to make $20 per hour ...... lets correct the wealth distribution deformations / theft/

...Pres Obama, though, unfortunately, is slipping more and more to the right .. it starts to be a cause for concern.
About Mexico
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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